Guest Post: How To Turn Your Next Rejection into A Content Marketing YES
After facing one too many rejections, I decided to go about things differently… and boy did this new approach open my eyes.
Not only did I use this approach on Cody Lister, but I wrote an epic blog post for his popular content marketing site, MarketDoc. And when I say epic, I mean it because this bad boy comes in at over 8,000 words.
Want to know how I turned one rejection after another into a stack of yes’? Well I have just the treat for you with this guest post, because I breakdown I did it (step-by-step), how you can too, and why such an approach could take your next launch to new heights.
This is how the post begins:
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could turn an initial no from somebody into an even greater yes? I’m not talking about using some smarmy sales pitch, either, but rather by being genuinely valuable to the other person.
All of a sudden you go from being just another person pitching (a blog post, interview, partner request, etc…), to a stand out individual they’re keen to get to know.
Sounds good, right?
Of course it does, and what I’m about to share with you works because it’s how I turned an initial no from Cody into a beautiful YES. But before we get into what this involves, why this is relevant to you, and how you can do it too (step-by-step), let’s first focus on how I came across this revelation to begin with…
It Began After A Chat with My Friend, Danny Iny…