Guest Post: 9 WordPress Experts Share Their Biggest Website Mistakes


I’ve been using WordPress for several years now, and I’ve made many mistakes. The good news is, I’m not the only one. In fact, I recently wrote a post for my friend Jan Koch (a WordPress whizz kid), where I asked a few other friends to contribute their WordPress errors. It’s made for a few interesting stories, and I’m excited to share them with you.

This is how the post begins:

Every single person you look up to and admire, has made countless number of mistakes, and failed many times, too.

But what if I told there was a way to avoid the vast majority of them, and avoid all that hardship, pain, and lost time and money?

Would such knowledge be worth six-minutes of your time?

If not, stop reading now (this article isn’t for you).

But if it is, keep reading because in this post I’m going to show you how to avoid your mistakes so you can turn potential failure into success

But before we do, I have a very important nugget of wisdom for you.

It is this:
